Zinc in the hcp structure

This tutorial explains how to optimize a crystal with more than 1 lattice parameters with STATE, by using metallic Zinc in the hcp strucutre, which has 2 lattice parameters a and c.

When the crystal has 2 or more lattice parameters, it is not a good idea to run the calculations one by one. Rather, it is better to write a script and automate the calculations. Here is an example of (a part of) a script:

# A list of a and c lattice parameters
A_LIST='4.80 4.85 4.90 4.95 5.00 5.05 5.10'
C_LIST='9.50 9.55 9.60 9.65 9.70 9.75 9.80 9.85 9.90 9.95 10.00'
for A in ${A_LIST}
for C in ${C_LIST}
cat > ${INPUT_FILE} << EOF
# Zinc in the hcp structure
NTYP     1
NATM     2
TYPE     0
NSPG     194
GMAX    6.00
GMAXP  20.00
KPOINT_MESH   12 12  8
EDELTA  1.D-10
NEG    24
CELL ${A} ${A} ${C}  90.00000000  90.00000000 120.00000000
 Zn  65.3800 pot.Zn_pbe1
      0.333333333333      0.666666666667      0.250000000000    1    0    1
      0.666666666667      0.333333333333      0.750000000000    1    0    1
ulimit -s unlimited
# Run!

After a set of the calculations are finished, we may obtain total energy as a function of lattice parameters a and c as (etot.dat):

#a     c     total energy
 4.80  9.50 -144.10891213
 4.80  9.55 -144.10908308
 4.80  9.60 -144.10923859
 4.80  9.65 -144.10937412
 4.80  9.70 -144.10949480
 4.80  9.75 -144.10959790
 4.80  9.80 -144.10968517
 4.80  9.85 -144.10975838
 4.80  9.90 -144.10981718
 4.80  9.95 -144.10986204
 4.80 10.00 -144.10989506

 4.85  9.50 -144.11027109
 4.85  9.55 -144.11040943
 4.85  9.60 -144.11053087
 4.85  9.65 -144.11063827
 4.85  9.70 -144.11072745
 4.85  9.75 -144.11080059
 4.85  9.80 -144.11085977
 4.85  9.85 -144.11090565
 4.85  9.90 -144.11093731
 4.85  9.95 -144.11095691
 4.85 10.00 -144.11096214


We use second-order polynomial

\[f(x,y) = c_0 + c_{1} (x - x_0) + c_{2} (y - y_0) + c_{11} (x - x_0)^2 + c_{22} (y - y_0)^2 + c_{12} (x - x_0) (y - y_0)\]

to fit the total energy and obtain the equilibrium lattice parameters. Total energy and the fitting function obtained are as follows:


Obtained equilibrium lattice parameters are \(a=2.63\) (Angstrom) [\(a=4.977\) (Bohr)] and \(c=5.26\) (Angstrom) [\(c=9.948\) (Bohr)], which are in good agreement with the all-electron PBE values of \(a=2.65\) (Angstrom) and \(c=5.12\) (Angstrom) by Wedig and co-workers [Phys. Rev. B 75, 205123 (2007)].

Alternatively, we can perform calculations at a fixed volume, by optimizing the \(c/a\) parameter, and obtain the total energy as a function of volume. In this case, we optimize \(c/a\) at the optimized (equilibrium) volume again.