Running STATE


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Having built it and obtained pseudopotentials, we are ready to run STATE!

Suppose the source directory is ${HOME}/STATE/src/state/src and pseudopotentials are located in ${HOME}/STATE/gncpp, where $``${HOME}`` is the home directory. In ${HOME}/STATE, let us create a directory for a test run for a CO molecule in a rectangular unit cell as

$ mkdir -p test/CO; cd test/CO

Let us create symbolic link to a STATE command by executing

$ ln -s ${HOME}/STATE/src/state-5.6.x/src/STATE

and those to pseudopotentials as

$ ln -s ${HOME}/STATE/gncpp/pot.C_pbe1

$ ln -s ${HOME}/STATE/gncpp/pot.O_pbe1


$ ln -s ${HOME}/STATE/gncpp/C_pbe1/ pot.C_pbe1

$ ln -s ${HOME}/STATE/gncpp/O_pbe1/ pot.O_pbe1

Then let us prepare the input file. Here we use the following file named nfinp_1

NTYP      2
NATM      2
GMAX      5.50
GMAXP     20.00
NSCF      200
WIDTH     0.0010
EDELTA    0.1000D-09
NEG       8
CELL      6.00  4.00  4.00  90.00  90.00  90.00
 C  12.011  pot.C_pbe1
 O  15.999  pot.O_pbe1
  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  1  1  1
  2.2000  0.0000  0.0000  1  1  2

In the current working directory, let us execute:

$ mpirun -np 6 ./STATE < nfinp_1 > nfout_1

where we use 2 processors and the output is written to nfout_1. The MPI command depends on the system and a job script is necessary when we use a supercomputer facility.

In this example, only the single-point (or SCF) calculation is performed and no structural optization is performed.

Once your job starts, the following greeting is printed in nfout_1:

*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*              ******  ********    **    ******** ********            *
*             ******** ********   ****   ******** ********            *
*             **          **     **  **     **    **                  *
*              ***        **    ********    **    ******              *
*                ***      **   **********   **    ******              *
*                  **     **  **        **  **    **                  *
*             ********    ** **          ** **    ********            *
*              ******     ** VERSION 5.6.8  **    ********            *
*                               RICS-AIST                             *
*                           OSAKA UNIVERSITY                          *
*                                                                     *

and the following when the SCF starts:

*                                                                     *
*                              START SCF                              *
*                                                                     *

This message is followed by the following lines, which show the convergence of the total energy (ETOTAL):

NSCF NADR            ETOTAL          EDEL          CDEL CONV      TCPU
   1    0      -16.71058056   0.16711E+02   0.89648E-01    0      0.06
   2    0      -20.04069483   0.33301E+01   0.63872E-01    0      0.05
   3    1      -21.45761599   0.14169E+01   0.68300E-01    0      0.05
   4    2      -22.15338988   0.69577E+00   0.28216E-01    0      0.05
   5    3      -22.21588778   0.62498E-01   0.76543E-02    1      0.05
   6    4      -22.21907373   0.31860E-02   0.18453E-02    1      0.05
   7    5      -22.21941896   0.34522E-03   0.49141E-03    2      0.05
   8    6      -22.21942378   0.48220E-05   0.10308E-03    2      0.05
   9    7      -22.21942425   0.46409E-06   0.15783E-04    3      0.05
  10    8      -22.21942426   0.98760E-08   0.48605E-05    3      0.05
  11    1      -22.21942426   0.29124E-09   0.22363E-05    3      0.05
  12    2      -22.21942425   0.62312E-09   0.30180E-05    3      0.05
  13    3      -22.21942426   0.99714E-09   0.79766E-06    3      0.05
  14    4      -22.21942426   0.72873E-10   0.58032E-07    4      0.05
  15    5      -22.21942426   0.11724E-12   0.20083E-07    5      0.05
  16    6      -22.21942426   0.85265E-13   0.69021E-08    6      0.05

When the SCF convergence is reached, total energy and its componets are printed as follows:

   TOTAL ENERGY     =         -22.21942426 A.U.
 KINETIC ENERGY     =           9.92111448 A.U.
 HARTREE ENERGY     =           5.12121891 A.U.
      XC ENERGY     =          -5.89585656 A.U.
   LOCAL ENERGY     =         -20.23161767 A.U.
NONLOCAL ENERGY     =           6.73686187 A.U.
   EWALD ENERGY     =         -17.87114528 A.U.
      PC ENERGY     =           0.00000000 A.U.
ENTROPIC ENERGY     =           0.00000000 A.U.

Forces acting on atoms are:

    ATOM              COORDINATES                        FORCES
MD:    1
MD:    1  C   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.01852  0.00000 -0.00000
MD:    2  O   2.200000   0.000000   0.000000  -0.01858 -0.00000  0.00000

And the “victory cats” at the bottom of the output file:

    __________   _______/______v______v______v___]
   D          | |                                 |
   D   A A    | | Congratulations!                |  C( > < )D
 --  =(^.^)=  | |  The calculation has converged. |    = o =
|     @@@@@   | |                                 |    (    )~


If the convergence is not achieved, you will see the followinng:

Sorry!                                           < < <
  The calculation has not converged.            < < <
                                                  < < <
  @ @                                     |                   |
   *    ***                               |                   |XXX
   *   *   *   *                          |   Have a break!   |   X
    ***     ***  ...                      |                   |   X
                                          |                   |   X
                                          |                   |XXX
              @@                          |___________________|
               ***** ...                [_______________________]

Then take a break, optimize your convergence parameters (mixing parameter, mixing scheme), and restart the calculation.