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Hydrogen molecule

Convergence study with respect to the plane-wave cutoff and supercell size, and structural optimization

Crystalline Silicon

Convergence study with respect to the plane-wave cutoff and number of k-points, and cell optimization

Crystalline Aluminum

Convergence study with respect to the number of k-points with smearing and tetrahedron methods for a metallic system

Crystalline Zinc

Optimization of a crystal with two or more lattice parameters

Nitric oxide

Calculation of a spin polarized molecule

Oxygen molecule

Calculation of a spin polarized molecule and atom (for atomization energy)

Carbon monoxide

Calculation of molecular orbitals

Water molecule

Calculation of molecular orbital / wave function densities

Water molecule

Vibrational mode analysis


Nudged elastic band calculation

Crystalline silver

Calculations of band structure and density of states

Crystalline nickel

Calculation of band structure and density of states for a magnetic system

Crystalline iron

Calculation of band structure and density of states for a magnetic system

Carbon monoxide on platinum (111) surface

Crystal orbital overlap population analysis of an adsorption system

Monolayer molybdenum disulfied

Optimization of the lattice constant of a layered material with internal degree of freedom

Aluminum adsorbed silicon (111) surface

Calculation of an electrified surface with the effective screening medium method